Canine Good Citizen, CGC/CGCA and Therapy Dog International Test
$15.00 – $25.00
Tester: Becky Campbell
The AKC’s Canine Good Citizen® (CGC) Program, started in 1989, is a certification program that is designed to reward dogs who have good manners at home and in the community. The Canine Good Citizen Program is a two‐part program that stresses responsible pet ownership for owners and basic good manners for dogs. All dogs who pass the 10‐step CGC test may receive a certificate from the American Kennel Club. Both purebred and mixed breed dogs are eligible for the certificate. See the AKC site for more information.
TDI’s canine membership includes both purebred dogs and mixed breed dogs. All dogs are tested and evaluated for Therapy Dog work by Certified TDI Evaluators. The TDI test is based upon the AKC’s CGC test, and also includes the evaluation of the dog’s behavior around people with the use of some type of service equipment (wheelchairs, crutches, etc.). See the Therapy Dog International site for more information.
AKC Community Canine—CGCA
The AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the Canine Good Citizen Program. As with CGC, the AKC Community Canine has a 10‐step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Community Canine Title. This is a title that appears on the dog’s title record at AKC.
The Canine Good Citizen tests are simulation of real world skills. The AKC Community Canine is to test the dog’s skills in a natural setting.
To earn the AKC Community title, dogs must meet the following two requirements:
Must already have a Canine Good Citizen Title on record at AKC.
Must have an AKC number. (AKC registration, PAL number or AKC partners number).
The test requirements can be reviewed by going to the AKC site.
Testing will be performed by Becky Campbell. The CGC/CGCA/TDI test is usually given as a combined test, meaning that you are being tested for BOTH CGC and TDI certification. You may elect to do just CGC or modifications will be added to the test to qualify for Therapy Dog Certification. A dog must be at least one year old to be tested for TDI and must pass the CGC. If the dog has previously passed the CGC, then proof must be provided before the TDI or CGCA tests can be given. If you have any questions, please contact Becky Campbell.
Your dog must be wearing a well‐fitted buckle collar (no chain or prong collars) to participate in the testing.