Handling Clinic
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Junior Handling Clinic
Instructor: Austyn Collins
As we all know Mastiffs are no easy task to show, even if it’s a trained one. And for a lot of the juniors showing mastiffs, they are often working with dogs who easily out weight them and who aren’t trained. This can make it very hard and not to mention overwhelming for them to learn and master handling skills while also trying to train their dog. Which is why we decided to switch up our clinic to provide juniors with a maximum learning experience.
During this years’ junior clinic, our wonderful juniors will be provided the opportunity to learn through a two-part clinic. During the first part of the clinic, juniors would get the chance to work with trained specials (not trained puppies because we would need dogs who have the endurance to work for 25-30ish minutes). During this time, the juniors can work on their personal handling skills like leash control, keeping the collar up, gaiting the dog, foot placement, etc. This will also provide juniors the opportunity to work with different mastiffs, developing their understanding of the breed and different handling tricks that vary with different dogs. Then during part two of the clinic, the juniors will have the opportunity to work with the dogs they plan on showing in juniors. Here they can apply what was learned in the first part, in addition to getting advice to help them with their specific junior dog.