Showing all 3 results
Mastiff Olympics
4:30 pm
Mega Center
This event is open to everyone that wants to have fun with their dog. Each event will be scored and prizes awarded! No prior Mastiff Olympic experience is required. The only requirement will be to plan to have fun with your dog! This event is open to all ages of dogs (puppy‐veteran).
Events will be posted prior to competition.
A prize will be given for the overall high score!
See you at the Olympics!
RFI Wine Tasting
Thursday, May 17th, 2018
7:00 pm
The Mastiff Rescue Foundation will once again host an evening of wine tasting.
100% of the wine has been donated for this event by Becky and Corky Campbell, Chris Nicol and Diane Collings.
Local wine enthusiasts will be discussing the wine as they sit at your table! You will be able to taste many wines that are no longer available for sale/are from small wineries and can only be purchased at the winery. There will also be a raffle and other fun activities. This will be a fun evening and a wonderful way to support Mastiff Rescue!
There is a limit of 50 attendees…..so don't delay your reservation!
Welcome Party
This year we are taking a new approach to the Welcome Party. It will be catered by the hotel and included in our Food and Beverage Budget. With the decline in attendance over the past years, we need extra help to meet our minimums outlined in the hotel contracts. That being said — we are excited to have everyone together and not be responsible for cooking or clean up! We will all get to put our feet up, relax, enjoy each other and talk about our favorite breed – the Mastiff.
Just like years past, the Welcome Party is only possible because of the donations of our generous members. Below, Please RSVP so we can get an accurate count and ensure everyone who shows up gets fed. You will also see a place for you to donate towards the party. We recommend a $25.00 donation to help cover the cost of YOU!
Roasted Red Skinned Potato Salad w/smoked Bacon
Creamy Coleslaw & Fresh Fruit Salad
Kosher Beef Hot Dogs & Grilled Angus Hamburgers with Sauteed Onions & Mushrooms
American, Swiss & Cheddar Cheese
Ketchup, Mustard, Relish, Diced Onions & Tomatoes, Pickle Spears, Shredded Lettuce & Sport Peppers
Potato Chips & Pretzels
House Made Cookies & Brownies
Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, Specialty Teas & Iced Tea
**Cash Bar**